Exit Survey- Rooted Well FALL Masterclass 2022 Thank you for attending this seasonal wellness program here at American Family Insurance. Please take 3 minutes to share your experience below. Name * First Name Last Name Email * How many Rooted Well FALL Masterclass sessions did you attend? * One Two Three Within that session(s), did you notice a difference in yourself after practicing guided meditation and/or intentional breathwork? * Yes No If yes, how long did the difference/effects last… moments? Moments Hours Days Longer They did not last for me Please explain your answer. Do you think about nature and productivity any differently after attending this FALL Masterclass? * Yes No Have you reviewed any of the FALL Masterclass materials (Reflections and/or Tip Sheet) since the last session? * Yes No Has this FALL Masterclass been helpful in any of the following areas? (check all that apply) * Goal-Setting Lifestyle Balance Stress Relief None of the Above Other, please reply below. Have you shared your Rooted Well FALL Masterclass experience with anyone? * Yes No If you could nominate a co-worker or manager to attend this Masterclass, who would it be? * I would attend another Rooted Well (seasonal) Masterclass if it were included in future wellness/professional development programming. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Optional thoughts or feedback on the Rooted Well FALL Masterclass. Thank you! Click to download your Certificate of Rooted Well at AmFam November 2022